Sunday, June 29, 2014

Well, this summer had a wild surprise in store for the Jedda household. Three of the four children in our home have been told by their doctors that they should not be outdoors this summer. Not part of the summer, but the whole summer. I was astonished. What would this mean for all of our summer plans? How would I manage to keep my children active and inside all summer? Although I don't have all of the answers, I do believe we are beginning to figure it out.

This week we have adjusted some of our summer bucket list so that we could still do the activities we had planned, but indoors instead. We have had a fashion show as well as a tea party. We have had guests over and even camped in the living room. We have played many games and watched many movies, but still manage to keep a pretty good schedule. My living room has been a Nerf battle zone as well as a crazy dance studio. We even had a teddy bear picnic.

Next week we are planning a game of marker tag and a treasure hunt. I am still working on what exactly the treasure is going to be, but I am making the cards up tomorrow that will lead the children to the treasure. The best part is they will have to work together to make it to the treasure. I guess even though we can't go outside, we can still have a blast and enjoy each other's company.

Well, I should go for now. We have company coming over tomorrow and will need to be well rested. I hope you all a wonderful summer and if you have any ideas for indoor activities we would love to hear them. I am pulling at straws here and could really use some help coming up with other things to do with my children.


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